installation / Moscow, 2015
"You are what you eat" — this proverb is quite famous and very relevant. Information boom is a narrative, in which the content not only never reach the ear or eye of the user, but does not even settle offline, and, on the contrary get overproduced.
The work was created for the group exhibition "Memesis" / March 05, 2015
The person cannot have time to perceive as much information as produced (even if he wished) not only in an hour, but for his entire life. It is because of this that each person becomes a filter that chooses what is interesting / necessary / important. An entire generation of new people collects picture folders, probably in order to remind oneself of who he is.
Installation as part of the group exhibition "The Art of the Present"
November 4 — 5, 2016
Humor becomes one of the most important principles of constructing the personality of the contemporary homo sapiens. Entire communities, VK publics, groups and sources of every kind, original, self-renewing, disordered stuff keep schoolchildren occupied. Infinite pipeline instantly made on the knees in photoshop "fotozhabas" and chronotops like "How is it for you, Ilon?" turns the information flow into a mess of black humor and stupid jokes. By the social network page you can understand who is standing in front of you: a modest introvert or a popular blogger.
Exhibition «With Love from Sinister!» / October 31, 2017